Since qualifying as a Chartered Physiotherapist in 1997, I have practiced as a physiotherapist across most healthcare settings. I specialised in Neurology early in my career and have worked in acute hospitals on neurological, stroke and trauma units. I have also spent a number of years in Regional Neuro-rehabilitation units working with a wide variety of client presentations.
I have worked in the community, visiting and treating patients with Neurological conditions in their own home.
I currently split my working as a Principal Neuro-Physiotherapist in an acute London teaching hospital and delivering physiotherapy in the community.
I have developed a high level of expertise during the last 25 years and continue to enjoy supporting patients to develop new skills and enable them to manage their condition in the long term.
I have specialist skills in treating all types of neurological presentations, including spasticity management, behavioural management, complex presentations and long term disability management.
I completed a MSc in Neurological Rehabilitation in 2015 and continue to stay up to date with recent developments and training opportunities. In 2019 I completed a further MSc module on Injecting for spasticity management.
Along with other treatment approaches, I have completed Basic and Advanced Bobath training.